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Georgia N.

Georgia is a current senior at Maricopa High School, planning to attend college to major in computer science and try to minor in computer engineering as well. Her current endeavors take her around her school developing a staff website as well as a website for the in-house business, 24PinTech, which is led entirely by students in the classroom. She is the manager and founder of the digital marketing department, putting her in charge of keeping the public in the know about how the business is doing and, "keeping the boys in check" for her other projects. When she's not in the classroom she is at home; either playing video games, working on her collection of Arduino boards, or keeping up to date on the latest of tech news. Her favorite project so far has been trying to crack her OBD-Kill DEFCON 30 badge, a yearly task for her whenever her father goes to a DEFCON convention. She hopes to one day be able to create technology to influence the world as it has influenced her, and aims to build a society that runs with and not against artificial intelligence developments. Her goal? To have her name become synonymous with the industry's best of the best; up there with names such as Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Bill Gates.

Awards Received

  • 2023 Arizona AffiliateWinner
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