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Bhawna V.

Bhawna, a Computer Science Engineer and educator from a family of engineers and teachers, is dedicated to inspiring students in STEAM fields. As a woman of color in technology, she passionately strives to encourage underrepresented students to pursue careers in the tech industry with confidence. Bhawna teaches AP and Dual Enrollment courses in Programming, Computer Hardware, and Network Security to high school students. Additionally, she mentors clubs such as SkillsUSA, CS Honor Society, and the South Asian Culture Club. Through her teaching and mentorship, she not only educates her students about workplace issues but also empowers them to speak up and support one another. Bhawna firmly believes that her persistent efforts can create a Butterfly Effect of positive change.

Awards Received

  • 2022 Arizona AffiliateEducator Award Honorable Mention
  • 2023 Arizona AffiliateEducator Winner
  • 2024 Arizona AffiliateEducator Honorable Mention
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