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Alexandra L.

Alexandra (Or Alex) is a senior at Antwerp Local School. Alex has been interested in programming since she was 10, and decided she wanted to make a career of it when she was 13. She takes programming courses on HTML and Python through her school and has begun to take courses through Codecademy to learn JavaScript, as well as taking AP computer science. She is the pit crew captain of the Cryptic Cyborgs (Team 6181), run through FIRST, and has been in the program for 3 years, and will be co-captain for their upcoming season. She has been a Student Technology Service worker within her school for four years, fixing computers for staff and students. She will continue with this program until she graduates. Her future plans include going to Bowling Green State University. Alex is passionate about bringing light to major issues in the world and plans to use her future degree to help people in need.

Awards Received

  • 2021 Ohio AffiliateWinner
  • 2022 Ohio AffiliateWinner
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