User's Profile Picture

Sheyla A.

Sheyla is currently a Junior at SOAR High school, passionate about making the community more LGBTQ+ friendly and open to new opportunities. Aside from being in the STEM Research Program at SOAR, she has remained active in InvenTeam and SWEnext club! To date, her greatest accomplishment would be winning a Bot-A-Thon regarding automation, within a all-female/non binary team. Aside from this, her team won the Wolfram award during the 2019-2020 TechTogether Seattle Hackaton. In addition, she has co-created "Period Alphabet", a platform coded for providing a safe space for answering Sex ed and period health questions. In the future, she hopes to be the first in her family to attend College and either become a Full Stack Web Developer or Data Scientist. Within College, she hopes to join a lab that uses computation techniques to target social problems! A fun fact is that she loves listening to Mexican Cumbias!

Awards Received

  • 2022 Los Angeles AffiliateWinner
  • 2022 NationalWinner
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