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Saivasudha C.

Vasu is currently a sophomore studying Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a Stamps Scholar and Chancellor's Scholar. Her passion for computer science is grounded in helping those around her through creative problem solving and challenging conventional ways of thinking. At her school, she is involved with the Society of Women Engineers as a co-chair of Community Service and works with local Girl Scouts to encourage participation in STEM. She is a software developer at Hack4Impact, a student organization that is dedicated to building software tools for social good and nonprofits and anyone in need. Through Hack4Impact, she has worked with nonprofits including Falling Fruit where she helped build a web application targeting food insecurity by providing a collaborative data map containing visuals for foraging resources, and 3dp4me where she helps build a web app to facilitate the provisions of 3D-printed hearing aids to underserved communities in the Middle East.

Awards Received

  • 2022 NationalFinalist
Lifetime Partner
Strategic Partners
Investment Partners