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Aparna K.

Aparna is a Junior at Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science. She has developed a keen interest in math and science since early on, and she aspires to be a technological innovator in the field of computer science. She is a Data Science Institute Scholar at Columbia University where she conducts research and develops software to support inter disciplinary research. She serves as a resident advisor at her residence hall. She recently took up the role of campus representative for NCWIT at her school as she believes in uplifting girls and women in the field of STEM and computing. She conducted several coding lessons for middle and high school children at local library as part of the Let’s Code program. She earned Girl Scouts Gold Award on expanding computing and STEM in her community. Aparna understands the seriousness of cybersecurity and how it is changing the way we interact and do business and she strongly believes that this area needs more focus in the coming years. She plans to continue her interests in cybersecurity, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

Awards Received

  • 2019 Honorable Mention
  • 2020 NationalHonorable Mention
  • 2020 Winner
  • 2022 NationalFinalist
  • 2023 CollegiateFinalist
Lifetime Partner
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Investment Partners